The three top Basketball players named, PJ Hall, Joseph Garrard III, and Chase Hunter, recently appeared in the Press Conference to discuss about the performance of strength coach, Preston Green, affected the success of their team and their own growth.
PJ Hall is a basketball team player said that our coach Preston Green was a great and that he had worked with well-known teachers like Billy Donovan to help the team get in better shape.
Preston Green made a big difference in the life of Joseph Garrard Som when he was getting used to the way Clemson played after moving from Syracuse. He said Green helped Gerrard get in better shape and get ready for the tough season.
Hunter said Green cared about the team’s health both on and off the field and made them work hard. He said nice things about how Green leads and how smart he is.
PJ Hall talked about RJ Godfrey’s great play a few games ago. He said that the young player was a tough competitor who gave the team strength and defense when he came off the bench.
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Hunter and Garrard talked about how to beat Baylor’s strong attack. It was made clear how important it is to stop them and make it hard for them to make easy three-point shots. a lot.
Every game, even ones they had lost before, was a new one, Hall told them. The team had to focus on the job at hand.
They keep their feet on the ground and their minds on the job at hand as they get ready for the Sweet 16. Even though they know Baylor has a good name, they still want to be strong and work together.
Finally, Preston Green does a lot more than just work out with the Clemson basketball team. He changes their minds, which is why they play better at the game. That was a lot of work from his team. They’re now ready for the next task and to keep trying to win in the NCAA Tournament.